Fishing – Blood Knot

Steps to tie the Blood Knot

There are two top grade knots used to join one line to another, where these are approximately of the same thickness.

These are the Blood Knot and the Hangman’s Knot – also called the Uni Knot by the International Game Fish Association.

Where there diameters are very dissimilar, either the Surgeon’s Knot should be used, or the thinner line should be doubled where the knot is formed.Knot - Blod Knot

  1. Lie the ends of the two lines against each other, overlapping about 15cm.
  2. Take 5 turns around one line with the end of the other, and bring the end back where it’s held between the two lines.
  3. Repeat by taking 5 turns around the other line, bringing the end back between the two lines. These two ends should then project in opposite directions.
  4. Work the knot up into loops, taking care that the two ends do not slip out of position.
  5. Draw the knot up tightly. 
