Basic Clay Pigeon Shooting Terms

Should you not understand a term while out shooting, ask what it means.  If a person can not explain terms they use, they may not understand the terms themselves.  In that instance, seek advice from someone else who is knowledgeable.   Stay safe and stay correctly informed.

Below are some of the basic terms that are used in clay pigeon shooting.

Clay Pigeon – A disc shaped target that is thrown/launched from a clay pigeon trap. Diameter is approximately 110mm.

Trap – The machine used to throw or launch the clay pigeons.

Trapper – The person who operates the trap.

Shooter – Person who is shooting the clay pigeons.

Stand – The position where the clay pigeons are shot from.

Safe Arc of Fire – The area in which the clay pigeon can be safely shot from a stand.  The arc of fire is generally unique to each stand.

Shooting Cage – A “cage” situated on a stand which restricts the shooter to the safe arc of fire for that stand.

Shotgun Mounted – The shotgun is in the shooters shoulder prior to them calling “Pull”

Shotgun Unmounted – The shotgun is not in the shooters shoulder.  Some disciplines of shooting require the shotgun to be unmounted when the shooter calls “Pull”.

PULL! – The command the shooter issues when they wish a clay Pigeon to be released.

Sighting Targets – The clay pigeons are thrown while the shooter is in the stand so the shooters can see the flight path of the clay pigeons.

Single – One clay pigeon is released on the “Pull” command.

Pair Simultaneously– Two clay pigeons are released at the same time from two traps on the “Pull” command.

Pair On Report – The first clay is released on the command “Pull”.  The second clay is only released once the shooter fires at the first clay.

Rafale – Two clay pigeons are released from the same trap one immediately after the other on the “Pull” command.

 These are some of the main terms that could be used on your local clay pigeon shooting range.  Remember, safety is paramount.  Stay safe and enjoy your shooting.
